Billing Statements

Billing Statements

Water and Sewer services are billed from the 1st to the 31st of every month. Statements are sent out at the beginning of the month and due the 25th of the month.

How to Read Your Water Bill

There are three primary parts to your bill. If you have questions or need more information, call Customer Service at:  (209) 895-9493

Water Usage

Information regarding your current and previous meter reads, total water usage, number of days billed, and dates “from” and “to” are shown.

Account Balance

This area includes the DUE DATE, TOTAL and activities posted to your account includes PRIOR BALANCE, PAYMENTS received, current charges for WATER, SEWER and STORM DRAIN. Any adjustments, late charges or corrections will also be shown.

Payment Stub

Find the DUE DATE, ACCOUNT NUMBER, amount BY DUE DATE, and amount if late – AFTER DUE DATE.